TRADWAVE: A Short Narrative Essay (Tradwave Collection #1)

2 min readOct 23, 2021

“Reject modernity not because it is modern, but because it is evil.”

Art credit: ElysiumLeoSK

Good day, everyone.

Let us remind ourselves that religion is made not to divide us, reject our fellow men and women, ridicule them because of their religion and beliefs, exploit the people, force our beliefs to others, put on a show, and other similar aspects that reek of bigotry and hypocrisy.

Religion is made to help those who are lost as they tread the road of life, having difficulties about themselves, and those who seek refuge, tranquility, and a peace of mind. It is also made to teach the people on how to live a good life based on the rules and ethical aspects. Whether you agree or disagree on their beliefs and how they live their lives according to the teachings of their own religion, let them be and respect them. Whether you are an atheist, agnostic, or a believer, respect and do not reject them. Treat them greatly as what the teachings have taught you. Let them pray on their own ways and accept them for what they are.

If your religion teaches you to hate and mock others because of their faith being different or any other dreadful notions, THAT IS NOT A GOOD RELIGION TO BE IN. If you pretend to listen to the teachings and never apply them to your everyday life, you are a hypocrite and a pretentious liar. You forgot the purpose of religion.

While we do make mistakes in our life, make an effort to correct them and be better. No matter what religion you are in, make sure you apply those teachings that you have learned into your life and do good things to other people, no matter the belief, ethnicity, color, origins, and gender.

Related media: Wafers 3D — Alleluia, non desperandum (feat. Fulton Sheen)

